2023, Photographic seriesThese paper sewing patterns have something protective about them, like a case that Ferdousse seemed to have crafted for herself. Framed on the same scale, once the artist has placed them on her light table to photograph them, they reveal different components of the created patterns up close: here a piece for the back, there another for the front, and a little further an added belt.
But rather than being pinned, here they are guided, once the pins have been removed before the pieces of the garment are assembled. Left in solitude, with their margins added in chalk to outline the folded seams inside the work, these patterns open up other aspects of time.
Adnen Jdey. Extract from “Memory in gesture”, text of the exhibition.
Patterns, 103 cm/70 cm, inkjet on Arches paper.

© Pol Guillard, Tunis 2023.

© Pol Guillard, Tunis 2023.